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About Company UTILE

It is one of the reputable companies in the field of producing roofing sheets and building materials.

Which, by utilizing modern technologies and advanced production processes, offers high quality products to the market. It is especially known for the production of double-layer trapezoidal roofing sheets. It offers a wide range of diverse products, including roofing sheets for various types of roof and wall coverings, which are used in various construction projects due to their quality and strength. It adheres to international standards in the production of its products, and this has led to the credibility and trust of customers. It is always trying to improve the quality of its products and respond to the changing needs of the market by utilizing modern technologies and updating production processes.

UTILE at a glance:

Various products

A wide range of products, including roofing and wall coverings, are used in various construction projects due to their quality and strength.


Various products

It is always striving to improve the quality of its products and respond to the changing needs of the market by utilizing modern technologies and updating production processes.


Various products

The company adheres to international standards in the production of its products, which has led to the credibility and trust of customers.


Sustainability and the environment

Environmental concerns and sustainable production are among the company’s fundamental principles. Utile seeks to produce products that, in addition to being highly efficient, cause minimal damage to the environment.

Customer service

The company offers consulting and support services to its customers and has a specialized team to respond to their needs.


Our products:

Engineered design for greater strength and special beauty

In various residential projects, villas, industrial sheds, carports, as sloping roof coverings, as well as other applications of these sheets, they are used as various types of wall coverings, false ceilings or false walls, as well as for special industrial, military, etc. uses.

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